Top 20 Richest Porn Stars

Are you wondering how much money are making the top porn stars ? Just watch this five minutes video to discover who are the top 20 players in the adult business at today.

Not surprisingly, Jenna Jameson is the richest porn star in the world, with the net worth of $30 million, but did you ever expected to see a male porn star at the third place ? Peter North has starred in an astonishing 1800 adult movies and has directed over 70 but the bulk of his $10 million net worth comes from his work behind the scenes. The other male porn star in the list is the legendary Ron Jeremy, at the 7th place.

Second place for Tera Patrick, model, talent agent, adult film star and author who has a net worth of $15 million. The last one, at the 20th place, Tori Black, with “only” one million. Celebrity Network published the full list, just in case you want to know more.

For The Girls is 10 years old !

Sincere congratulation to Karen and Debbie. Their website For The Girls is officially ten years old !

It was way back in June 2003 when they decided to make their very own porn for women pay site. They started small but it didn’t take long for For The Girls to become one of the largest and most popular female-friendly sites on the Internet. Their philosophy is fairly simple. They know that women are sexual beings. They know that women enjoy looking at sexually explicit material. And they know that women also want to be entertained, informed and given their money’s worth. So their site aims to keep them satisfied, in every possible way.

forthegirls external area    forthegirls internal area
screenshots of front page and members area of For The Girls

After 10 years they’re still going strong. Women still want good, respectful, non-sexist porn yet even now there’s not many places they can find it online. This means that women, but men also, still love For The Girls as it offers a complete adult entertainment experience. Aside from photos and movies chosen specifically to appeal to a female audience, the site is also a complete women’s magazine featuring articles, interviews, fiction, columns, sex advice and humor. So, close your eyes and indulge your fantasies !

International Workers’ Day

May 1, Workers’ Day, celebration of the international labour movement, national holiday in more than 80 countries and celebrated unofficially in many other countries.

A special thank you to all who work in the adult industry: models, actors, photographers, cameramen, directors, technicians, editors, writers, webmasters, gallery makers… Thank you for the great work you do day after day !

International Workers Day