Photos from animated GIF

cover animated gif extract frames

sample of a simple sexy animated gifThe Graphics Interchange Format (better known by its acronym GIF) is a digital image format that was introduced in 1987 by CompuServe, the first major commercial online service in the United States. It has since come into widespread usage on the Internet due to its wide support and portability. Basic animation was added to the GIF89a spec few years after the first release, called GIF87a. The animated GIF are still so popular that they have even become currency in many chat rooms and email messages.

The girl dancing here is a typical animated GIF file. I chose something appropriate for this blog. Eheheh. Suppose you want to get a static image of the girl without the dress. Well, the purpose of this post is to explain how you can extract a single frame from the whole file. There is specif software able to create/split animated GIF images but in the web 2.0 era everything is provided as web service. So all you need to do is to go to GIF Explode or GIF exploder or Picasion or another one of your choice, there are dozens, and insert the url of the animated GIF you want to explode. That’s easy.

If you feel nerdy and you want to use a program from your own PC, I can suggest GIF Splitter, easy, free and with a very spartan interface. It also create a .GSF file which can be used to create ASCII art animations.

Last note: the GIF images are based on the patent US 4558302 that expired on 20 June 2003, so the GIF format is public domain technology, free to use for everyone.

Ready for the doggystyle

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There’s not very much to say… : D

ASCII Art, Moral obbligation

      ,'        `.         I BELIEVE IT'S MY MORAL OBLIGATION     
     /   __) __`  \         TO OCCASIONALLY BEAT OFF TO FAT CHICKS
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A condom who plays guitar

 Even though I'm sure Freud would have a field day with this one, 
 here's my latest ascii pic, A Condom playing a Guitar.

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Wiki: kigurumi and cosplay

Today I want to show you two unusual fetishes that originated from Japan: cosplay and kigurumiCosplay, short for costume play, is a type of performance art in which participants wear costumes and accessories to represent a specific character or idea from a work of fiction.

fetish scene cosplay 1 fetish scene cosplay 2 fetish scene cosplay 3

Kigurumi is the Japanese name for costumed performers who represent cartoon characters, often animals, so technically kigurumi is a sub-genre of cosplay.

fetish scene  kigurumi 3 fetish scene  kigurumi 2 fetish scene  kigurumi 1

A subset of kigurumi is anime kigurumi. In this style of representation humanoid characters are portrayed through the use of masks and bodysuits that completely covers the bodies of cosplayer. The bodysuit is known in Japan as a zentai.

fetish scene anime kigu 1 fetish scene anime kigu 2 fetish scene anime kigu 3

Favorite sources include manga, anime, comic books, video games, and films. Any entity from the real or virtual world that lends itself to dramatic interpretation may be taken up as a subject. Inanimate objects are given anthropomorphic forms and it is not unusual to see genders switched, with women playing male roles and vice versa. There is also a subset of cosplay culture centered on sex appeal, with cosplayers specifically choosing characters that are known for their attractiveness and/or revealing costumes.

Cosplay, kigurumi and anime kigurumi are not to be confused with the uniform fetish, where the players wear uniforms used in real life: nurse, doctor, army, secretary, fireman, teacher, policeman, pilot, hostess, postman and so on. What all these fetishes have in common is a relationship with the role play scenario.

fetish scene uniform 1 fetish scene uniform 2 fetish scene uniform 3

The Internet has enabled many cosplayers to create social networks and websites centered around cosplay activities, while forums allow cosplayers to share stories, photographs, news, and general information. The rapid growth in the number of people cosplaying as a hobby since 1990 has made the phenomenon a significant aspect of popular culture. This is particularly the case in Asia, where cosplay influences Japanese street fashion.

If you are you wondering where you can get these costumes the answer is easy: on the Internet. There are a lot of online stores specialized in cosplay and kigurumi. Just google it. Price range from $50 to $90 for an average costume. In the shopping section of Fetish Bank there’s an entire subsection dedicated to online stores for cosplay, kigurumi, uniform, costumes and other dress codes.

Right now Fetish Bank does not have a specific category for cosplay, while it has one for uniform fetish and another for alien fantasy. I’m putting it in my thing to do list, which is fucking long… but I don’t really think I can open it in short time. There’s not very much of this content around. Please note that hentai, futanari, bara and yaoi is drawn porn and belong to another category.

Actually one of the best site I know for the cosplay category is Cosplay Erotica. They do something quite nice as they feature real models on computer generated backgrounds. They also take custom request to satisfy users’ unique fantasies.

fetish site cosplay erotica

ASCII Art, Camgirl’s regreet

     /    _\      HELLO THIS IS A MESSAGE FROM THE FUTURE             
    /    (={)     THE YEAR IS 2023                                    
   /     /_/      SHIT IS PRETTY MUCH THE SAME, TV STILL SUCKS        
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  \_/(`-..-'L       )     I WANTED TO EXPRESS THAT I WISH I HADN'T    
    / `\_(   L\,--.'      POSTED MY FULL BODY AND FACE ON /R/GONEWILD/
    > --'`--  \\ (_)      IT'S MAKING IT REALLY HARD TO GET A JOB NOW 
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ASCII Art, Vanessa del Rio

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T      /\   \  o    I\     o  |   VANESSA DEL RIO               
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ASCII Art, Facebook

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