Have you ever heard the word Kussomaten ? Probably not, unless you’re Danish, so let me tell you the whole story. Since 1975, K. Vinders Fond, a Danish association committed to raising awareness of and the dissemination of women’s issues, has regularly published a book called Kvinne, kjenn din kropp (Woman, Know Your Body). 200,000 copies, republished in 1983, 1992 and 2001. A kink of feminist bible, at the time it was first published.
In the year 2010, a research published by the Danish family planning association revealed that 29% of the young women in the sample analysis did not feel comfortable with their own bodies and especially with their private parts. According to the research, many young women believe they are ugly or abnormal because their points of reference, found on the Internet for example, are often retouched photos or photos of women who have already undergone plastic surgery.
So they, instead of simply promoting more the “amateur” niche on the Internet, decided to go bring something extra to the book and came up with the idea of having a photo booth for feminine private parts. Through this photographic collection they intend to awaken women to the knowledge of their own bodies.
On the occasion of the Women´s International Day the 8th of March, year 2011, at the Goethe Institute in Copenhagen the Kussomat took the first 70 photos. The following seventy photos were taken while the booth was installed in the faculty of medicine in Copenhagen. Other photos came from the Roskilde Festival, in June 2011.

Cool and who did the device ? The Kussomat was created by four enthusiastic female students at the faculty of engineering, Copenhagen university, who threw themselves into the project and finished the product in only three weeks. Just in case you’re wondering, “kusse” means “pussy”, so Kussmat could be translated something like Cuntomat.

Now all those photos have been uploaded to the official website. Navigation is not easy, cause the site is in Danish only, but clicking on the right link you’ll get a mosaic of 9 random pussies, that changes every time you realod the page. This feature is intended for women to to compare their pussy with other women, completely anonymously, and maybe find out, that they are not at all as abnormal looking as they may think… oh, well… but we pervs already knew…