A very wrong safeword !

safeword humor and tips 1

safeword is a code word used in BDSM for a submissive (or dominant) to unambiguously communicate his physical or emotional state to the other part, typically when approaching, or crossing, a physical, emotional, or moral boundary.

This is extremely important if the scene involves any play that could be harmful, but is just as important in light play as well. Even if you are just using a toy, a safeword is important to have. You never know when something out of the ordinary will occur.

safeword humor and tips 2

Common sense: they should not sexually related and should be very easy to remember. Green, coconut, milkman for example. Bad safewords: anything that can be misconstrued as part of play, such as don’t, stop, etc.

Rocco and Amica Chips

I’m sure you all know the Italian porn star Rocco Siffredi, great fucker and anal master but I’m also sure none of you know that in the year 2006 Rocco starred in an Italian TV commercial for an important local brand of chips. Chips ? Yes, chips !

You need to know that in Italian the word chips is translated “patatina”. The same word, patatina, is used when referring to vagina, informal but not vulgar, the same way you use the word pussy in English.

Here the fun begins! The commercial is a great masterpiece of art, full of sexual double meanings. See it below in a You Tube video with subtitles in English:

“Trust someone who has tried all of them!” #lol

Sadly, after just a couple of days, the commercial, considered vulgar and immoral, was heavily censured by the Italian Advertising Authority. It was broadcast with no audio till the end of the contract.

Porn movie on big screen

Two days ago BBC Word News published an article telling the story of a porn movie accidentally shown on a public LCD screen somewhere in the Jilin area, a province of the People’s Republic of China. The picture below shows what was played to a surprised public for about 10 minutes. The screen is located outside the train station, in a very central location.

porn movie on big screen (Jilin Province)

China has tight regulations controlling which films can be broadcast, including politically sensitive films and some pornographic films, so I guess someone is going to a prison in inner Mongolia…

Social media says that a technician was watching the film on his computer without realizing it was connected to the LED screen. When he was warned about was going up, he unplugged his computer and threw the disc out of the window. #lol.

Anyway, this is not the first accident of this kind, same thing happened last February in Fuye Square, a public square in Zhongshan (Guangdong area, another province of the People’s Republic of China).

porn movie on big screen (Zhongshan)

According to The Nan Fang, a local blog in English language that reported the news, one netizen said this was caused by Zhongshan’s dark history coming back to haunt it (Zhongshan is the hometown of former head of state Sun Yat Sen). Another said this was a great day in history. Another fancies that he’s seen this film before. #lol.

Never watch porn at work !

Have you ever noticed the hashtag #NSFW associated to forum posts, email messages or twitter messages? That acronym, that means Not Suitable For Work, is simply used to describe Internet content generally inappropriate for the typical workplace, i.e., would not be acceptable in the presence of your boss and colleagues…

humor watching porn at work

It looks like this guy simply ignored the #NSFW tag… : D

Ready for the doggystyle

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There’s not very much to say… : D

Hey, don’t piss in the street !

Choose a spot on a map and you are there, immersed in a panoramic view you can move and zoom. Since 2007, Google Maps with Street View has transformed our ideas about going places, from faraway lands to a restaurant across town.

Privacy advocates have objected to the Google Street View feature, pointing to photographs that show people leaving strip clubs, protesters at an abortion clinic, sunbathers in bikinis, cottagers at public parks, people picking up prostitutes and people engaging in activities visible from public property in which they do not wish to be photographed. This is a legitimate privacy concern. Making fun of a serious issue, how many times have you been told not to pee in the street ? Here is why…

street view caught pissing 01

street view caught pissing 02

street view caught pissing 03

street view caught pissing 04

street view caught pissing 05

street view caught pissing 06

street view caught pissing 07

Consider this post just a taste of what you can see on Street View. More pictures showing other embarrassing situations will come soon…  #ROTFL

ASCII Art, Moral obbligation

      ,'        `.         I BELIEVE IT'S MY MORAL OBLIGATION     
     /   __) __`  \         TO OCCASIONALLY BEAT OFF TO FAT CHICKS
    (   (`-`(-')   )                                              
    /)  \   _  /  (                                               
   /'    )-._.' .  \ ___                                          
  (  ,--.,    `.)___(___)       BECAUSE IF I DON'T DO IT WHO WILL 
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A condom who plays guitar

 Even though I'm sure Freud would have a field day with this one, 
 here's my latest ascii pic, A Condom playing a Guitar.

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